Plague 2020 Print
11 X 14 Print on 80lb. textured paper: Water colour and ink illustration of sexy plague doctor. This was the last thing i drew in 2020 a fitting end to a year of pandemic life.

11x14 watercolour print on 80lb. textured paper.
This Devil represents the struggle with unchecked desires.
Jung felt that an urge to evolve or move toward personal growth was inborn in all of us. Certainly it is a potential we all have. In connection with this the devil represents all those forces within and outside of us that war against this power of positive life and change. In Freudian theory each of us meet enormous resistances to meeting the very experiences or insights which would lead to healing. In this sense the devil or Satan embodies all our habits born out of the pains of our childhood and the ignorance of the culture we imbibed. The resistance we feel to change comes about because to change means to move into the unknown, into a sort of ignorance. It also means letting who we are at the moment die. It means acknowledging the impoverished aspects of oneself, and being willing to let go of them.

Cockroach Conservatory Issue 1: A working Zealots Guide -PRINT
11x17 watercolour print of a watercolour cover i did for the budding magazine the Cockroach Conservatory. Unfortunately the mag folded after the second issue. The title text was also hand drawn and inked.

The Fool
The Fool, 16 X 20 silk screen limited edition Print, only 37 of these art only print were made.
Initially a promo poster for the release of Dylan Blackthorns "Small Flames" Album Release.
This piece was a collaboration between my self, Dylan Blackthorn and Dan Grissom.
Dylan had the concept, I did the drawing and the inking, Dan did the color and the Printing.

The Wayfarin' Stranger Meets the Lady Pirate: 32 page comic
The Sea, Song and Serendipity.
A short tale of two strangers, two lovers that unknowingly
pass each other by until one day, providence turns a head.
This is a 32 page, horizontal format, hand painted, stand alone comic.

The Shadow Under the Leaf: 42 page comic
Will the Natural World accept him, or will the forest devour him?
Harry is lost, or is he searching for something more? Does the forest welcome him or hunt him?
This is a story about reaching the “threshold” and the decisions leading to it and away from it.
This is a hand inked, painted and lettered comic, for the reader who appreciates the stillness
and delicateness of nature, a person who stops to watch birds fly overhead and to listen to the
music of cicadas in high summer. This is not a book with a bad guy or bone crushing violence,
it's a book that reveres the natural world.
The Shadow Under the Leaf is a voice from the natural world, it's singing all of the time..

Da-ram-gi: In the Land of the Bright Morning
This is the first comic I self published. It was intended to be a six issue mini series.
This is a martial arts book, classic revenge story- "you killed my father in the woods..." style.
I never finished it because it got in over my head with the cost of printing.

Plague Doctor 2020 Sticker
4 inch tall die cut sticker. This plague doctor was the last thing i drew and painted in 2020.

Gatorhorse Sticker
Blueish/grey 3 inch diameter sticker featuring a half horse half alligator frailing a banjo.